seth brase.

The Fort Wayne Campus has meant a great deal to me over the last Four Years that I have helped coached the volleyball team. It has meant late nights, early mornings and several thousands of miles with a van full of ladies, but has given me an opportunity that very few people have are lucky enough to get and that is an opportunity to see the everyday struggles that a team has to contend with. It is amazing to see how when after all of the games are played and records broken the relationships that are created last for a life time. TUFW has also given me a great place to use my spiritual gift of servant hood, it has been such a joy in life to make sure that not only for the season but for a lifetime I know that if anyone from the team needs anything that all they have to do is ask.

TUFW has been such a corner stone for the southwest part of town for so long, and the community impact so great there are too many great things to have to just pick one, but I hope that the memory of all of the purpose of TUFW stays with this city.

The greatest thing that I will take from my experience will be the life long friendships that have been crated over the past four years. The athletic programs have meant the most to me because of with out them I would have never experienced the TUFW family.

If it was not for Scott Haddix who was my youth pastor whom upon my graduation from High School invited me to hang out with him and try to teach a team not only a sport that he (and now I) love but to also to build life long relationships with them I would have never been able to experience TUFW. Because of the impact TUFW has had on me I have learned that now matter what the situation is God will provide.

Growing up in Fort Wayne I have know of countless pastors that have been part of very successful ministries here in Fort Wayne and around the Country that attended Taylor Fort Wayne. I personally was lead to Christ by one of the graduates of TUFW who happened to be my Youth Pastor. TUFW has also helped our community through the countless pastoral internships and student teachers. There is also all of the missionaries that have been educated at TUFW, it is hard to tell how many people have come to Christ because of this University, but one day we will find out.